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Showing all posts tagged with 'img'.

Balls Nulbeweging Niels Mondriaan

Work in progress snapshots.

O Panama O Panama

O Panama, James Benning. 1985

Starman Starman Starman Starman Starman Starman Starman Starman

Starman, John Carpenter. 1984

Assault on Precinct 13

Assault on Precinct 13, John Carpenter. 1976

Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag Zig Zag

And then later.

Zig Zag

Zig~Zag, Raúl Ruiz. 1980

End of Evangelion End of Evangelion End of Evangelion End of Evangelion End of Evangelion End of Evangelion

The end of End of Evangelion, Hideaki Anno & Kazuya Tsurumaki. 1997

L'amour braque 1

Here with you. It's not like in a movie or a book, where everything is precise, thought-out, organised... with a clear-cut goal. Everything's chaos... Chance... Pain... Disorder...

L'amour braque, Andzrej Zulawski. 1985

I put my hand on a stove, to see if I still bleed, yeah / And nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda free

Ghost Town, Kanye West. 2018

Je Tu Il Elle 1 Je Tu Il Elle 2 Je Tu Il Elle 3 Je Tu Il Elle 4 Je Tu Il Elle, Chantal Akerman. 1974

Celine and Julie Go Boating 1 Celine and Julie Go Boating 2 Celine and Julie Go Boating, Jacques Rivette. 1974

Still Life